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Szanowni Państwo,
zgodnie z RODO- Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych), stosowanym od dnia 25 maja 2018 r. informujemy, że Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych jest „ADMINISTRATOR”- Akcelerator Technologiczny Gliwice ASI Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Gliwicach przy ulicy: Konarskiego 18c, wpisany do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem: 0000540750 NIP: 6312656110, REGON: 360661837
Dane osobowe, które nam Państwo powierzają, będziemy przetwarzać w następujących celach:
Planowany okres przechowywania danych osobowych (art. 15 ust. 1 lit. D RODO)
Wszystkie dane osobowe będą usuwane zgodnie z wymogami archiwizacji danych.Zgodnie z przepisami prawa, po osiągnięciu celu bądź wypełnieniu obowiązku prawnego Administratora zostaną one usunięte.
Prawa osoby, której dotyczą dane osobowe.
Informujemy iż w związku z przetwarzaniem Państwa danych osobowych przysługują Pani/Panu następujące prawa:
Posiada Pani/Pan prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz prawo ich sprostowania, usunięcia ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych przetwarzanych w systemach informatycznych, prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu, prawo do cofnięcia udzielonej zgody w dowolnym momencie bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania (możliwość istnieje jeżeli przetwarzanie odbywa się na podstawie zgody, a nie np. na podstawie przepisów uprawniających administratora do przetwarzania tych danych).
Ponadto informujemy, iż przysługuje Panu/Pani prawo wniesienia skargi do GIODO, a 25 maja 2018 r. do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych, gdy uzna Pan/Pani, iż przetwarzanie danych osobowych Pana/Pani dotyczących, narusza przepisy ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych 679/2016 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r.
Kategorie odbiorców danych /podmiotów przetwarzających dane osobowe
w imieniu Akcelerator Technologiczny Gliwice ASI Sp. z o.o.
Odbiorcą Pani/Pana danych osobowych będą organy uprawnione na mocy przepisów prawa (w tym: Sądy, Policja, Prokuratura, organy egzekucyjne, ograny administracji ) lub inne podmioty przetwarzające dane osobowe w imieniu Akcelerator Technologiczny Gliwice ASI Sp. z o.o.
Project: Cypherdog
Cypherdog is an innovative company operating in the IT sector and cyber security. By providing the product to the market, the Company has specialized in the effective protection of digital data. CypherDog Inc. is a response to global development trends in the field of cyber security and effective data transfer.
Project: Caps Apps
The Caps Apps project aims to produce and promote a complete product: an electronic bottle cap together with dedicated applications for mobile devices on Android and iOS platforms. The main target market is United States of America, and the first step to present the product to potential customers is campaign on the Kickstarter platform. Apart from the above, the company also conducts activities aimed at securing the intellectual property of technical concepts and verbal-graphic solutions.
Project: Smart RFID
The company develops and implements innovative devices and systems operating in UHF RFID technology. Thanks to its R+D work conducted, Smart Technology Group offers the only RFID readers on the market that operate simultaneously in 5 IoT communication systems. The company’s products can be used, among others, in sectors such as: retail, manufacturing, logistics, tourism and health care in the area of product sales and presentation, inventory and storage, supply and transport, access control, security, etc.
Project: Motion Controller 3DMC Designer
The company creates a device (motion controller called 3DMC Designer) designed to support the work of constructors, architects and graphic designers in CAD/CAM software and to control industrial actuating systems. The controller can be used to move in virtual reality, strictly in order to rotate and move objects with very high accuracy.
Hoverbike’a – a machine combining features of a motorcycle and a helicopter. The project was inspired by Speeder flying scooter from “Star Wars”. The project includes the creation of a flying vehicle called Hoverbike. The vehicle will be controlled by means of a motorcycle-like steering handlebar and by a special saddle which, thanks to the right use of automation, will also fulfil the functions of a control element. The vehicle will be equipped with an electronic system enabling to limit the altitude to the specific one which allows to use the it on a given market. Hoverbike will be offered in at least two variants: civil variant for sports and recreational purposes and specialist variant for emergency and uniform services.
Project: CARDIOVICE™ telemedical system
The company develops the CARDIOVICE™ telemedical system, an intelligent system to remote monitoring of the patient’s health from any place in the world. The system consists of an ECG recorder, wirelessly controlled by a smartphone, and accessories: an ECG module, ECG cables and an ECG vest that allows the patient to perform a 12-lead ECG test, by himself. The system includes a mobile application through which the tests are performed and sent to the doctor and to a cloud platform where all results are synchronized. Ultimately, there are going to be other features possible to measure with the CARDIOVICE™ system, such as body temperature and skin humidity, blood pressure, body weight, and lungs fluid level determined by measurement chest bioimpedance, which will be a breakthrough in monitoring patients with chronic heart failure. The company plans to implement an automatic diagnosis based on algorithms, AI and Big Data.
Project: IAMBOT
The project is aimed at development of IAMBOT, the chatbot platform encompassing AI algorithms and integration with communication environments like: WhatsApp, WeChat or Google Assistant. The algorithms of the platform are related to semantic textual similarity and unsupervised image similarity.
Project: Creation of innovative security seals using RFID technology and meeting customer expectations.
Innovative security seals using nanotechnology and tamper evident RFID tags. Seals providing information about seal’s damage or breaking (the so-called tamper evident RFID security seal).
Motion Capture – an innovative system using the laser parallel scanning method and the system of edge mirrors and transfer mirrors, mounted in a fixed metal frame structure (cage). The combination of laser technology with a mirror system for entire planes’ laser scanning is an innovative solution on a global scale.
The company conducts research and development as well as implementation work related to the development of new technologies for the defence sector. It focuses mainly on the development of new composite materials having high parameters of resistance to kinetic energy (ballistic protection) and on the creation of an unmanned aircraft intended for intelligence tasks, with a large range and load capacity.
Project: Global leader in real-time simulation
The company specializes in the creation of high-quality 3D games based on new technological solutions and analysis of players’ needs.
The GlucoActive project is aimed to design and manufacture a portable, wearable device for non-invasive measurement of blood glucose concentration using spectrophotometric methods and intended for diagnostic and prevention purposes, both in the treatment and control of diabetes and for sports applications. Apart from solving the key problem of invasiveness while measuring by means of the generally available competing devices, the project also involves creation of a utility application that will replace the standard procedures for sugar levels recording by diabetics, it will also provide visualization of the results obtained and business intelligence-type solutions.
Project: AKM technology development.
The project is aimed at development of the Autonomous Key Management (AKM) system which enables cryptographic keys management in distributed systems such as: multisensor networks, autonomous cars or other devices related to the Internet of Things. The system is the world’s first solution guaranteeing very high security level in real-time operations.
Project: Breathing monitor
The project’s aim is to create a device for monitoring the breathing trajectory of a cancer patient during irradiation therapy, allowing to reduce irradiation inaccuracies. The team has many years of experience and technical knowledge to provide an innovative solution for key-issues not covered yet by devices currently available on the market. As a result of research and development the elaborated device will significantly improve the patient’s comfort during the irradiation therapy.
Project: Food lyophilizer
Development and implementation into production of a compact food lyophilizer for small and medium-sized companies operating on the market of food products’ production and processing. FrostX will make it possible to produce healthy food independently, ensuring cheap and long-term food storage while maintaining all the taste and nutritional values.